Thursday, May 25, 2017

Blog: Social networking sites

Visit Facebook, Twitter - and TWO other social networking site of your choosing.
Compare your impressions of these 4 sites. Note that you probably should register and log in to get the complete picture.

Social Networking Sites of my choosing:
Link In

First, all of these websites are types of new media. It's used by many online users who made accounts to post contents to the public or for their friends and famiky. My impression of Facebook is that it's a social media website and app where you can post and share contents to the public or to your friends and family. As for Twitter, it's a social media website and app where you "tweet" or post/repost a message that's limited to 140 characters. Instagram is more of a photo concentrated concept where you can post photos of anything you want. Some businesses take advantage of that and uses Instagram to promote their products by uploading pictures of the products. And lastly, Link In is a application and website where you can upload your resume and that will allow employers to look at them quickly. There are options to add other people to your connections and that will help you because in business connections are everything. You can also check out other people's resume.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Blog: Next New

Suggest a new type of "new media" that doesn't currently exist. Describe it.

A new type of media can be a type of new media where people can interact with the use of internet like blogs and social websites. But this new type of media allows people to scan each other on their phones to add people and will automatically give them their information like hobbies, interests, major, occupation. It would be like Facebook but a more advance version. You can add people in real life and get to know them then say bye. But then after you say your goodbyes, you can look them up because you scanned them onto your "X new media" app onto your phone. 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Blog: Wiki So Far

I have not contributed anything to our class wiki yet however, I will be looking forward to adding content under "News" since I did my term paper on print and online newspaper. My goal is to research deeper into details and concentrate on news and the perspectives of the people who uses this type of media.  

Blog: P2P

        In "Digital rights management", the website stated that illegal file sharing is to make downloading easy and cheap. The concept of easy and cheap may cost you viruses that can be attached to the illegal file sharing website. File sharing is the practice of sharing or offering access to digital information or resources, including documents, audio clips, videos, graphics, computer programs, images and e-books. It's a service thats multipurpose that has evolved from removable media from network protocols, such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP).  Operating systems also provide file-sharing methods, such as network file sharing (NFS). One of the most popular, but controversial, method of file sharing is called peer to peer or P2P file sharing because of the use of peer-to-peer software. P2P also allows users to directly access, download and edit files. It allows users to access media files such as books, music, movies, and games using a P2P software program. There are times third-party software whom facilitates P2P sharing by collecting and segmenting large files into more compartmented pieces. Examples of P2P file sharing would be BitTorrent, Gnutella and DC++.     

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Blog: Advice

You are hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the College. What are some suggestions you would make using new media? 

If I was hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the College, I would suggest an idea relating to marketing. I would develop an app, in this given example I would just call it “BCText”. BCText will be an application that would be distributed to the Freshmen who first enter Baruch College. It will be a mandatory application they will have to sign so they can get into the system. Basically, BCText is an application that allows students to access all of needed textbooks, books, texts, articles that are given by professors within that school. You can easily type in the professors name and lists of texts from that specific professor would show up. It’s easy, convenient, and helpful. If everyone signed up for it, the cost of texts, textbooks, books, and articles would be a lot cheaper. 

Blog: Privacy

In this post, discuss how the issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media.

New media is a growing source that is convenient to everyone because of the speed of technology that’s taking over the globe. Information can travel at the speed of light, which makes it easy for security to protect sensitive information. People who are intelligent enough can use available fast technology and resources to hack into systems such as credit card companies. In the article “Target works on security-heavy credit cards, after breach”, by Dara Kerr, she talked about the company target who works hard on security to protect credit card users. They said that credit cards with credits that encrypt personal information are harder to hack. It’s clear to say that  if you have a credit card, try to change it to a card with a chip to prevent yourself from being hacked. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Creativity and New Media

I'd like you to show me how new media fosters creativity by creating an example. This assignment is up to you imagination. Whether you want to create a YouTube video or show me snapshots of an avatar in Second Life that you created, I will leave the definition of "creativity and new media" up to you, and let you surprise me.

Creativity and new media allows you to personalize your own blogs such as Instagram. You can post aesthetic photos of landmarks, food, content you like and think are interesting. You can even promote products if you have the permission to do so. Being creative on Instagram can really impact on how many people view, follow, and like your page. You can coordinate your blogs appearance by uploading only black and white; monochrome pages exists on Instagram and it makes it look pleasingly aesthetic. Viewing other Instagramer's pages can allow you to get ideas of what to post and that can help your own page become more interesting. Being influenced by media outlooks, it can mould your ideas into a better one.  Ideally, this would be a position where Instagram bloggers could spur their creativity to the max; whether it be something as simple as a dinner plate or something as scenic like a mural.