Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Blog v Wiki

Create a new post on your blog with the above title. In your post, answer the following questions.
Compare and contrast blogs and wikis. Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world. How can blogs be used for collaboration? Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet? Cite at least 2 of the assigned readings.

Blog’s a specific entry you post by date. Usually, it contains texts that is related to news, commentary notes, and personal reflections. It’s more suitable for individuals rather than a group. If you’re doing a group project, then maybe Wiki is the better option to choose from. Blog is updated in reverse chronological order. The newest entry is always at the top. When you make a post, only the blogger can edit and delete it. However, commentary exists like in this article about Wal-Mart “We are real people, and that gets lost in the to and fro of business,” said Nick Agarwal, a Wal-Mart communications official who helped develop the blog. “It puts real personality out there in a real conversation.” Having a blog has it’s type of disadvantages as well. As stated in the article “But all that uncensored rambling has its potential drawbacks, like irritating suppliers or consumers.”, it can cause mild defamation if the comments aren’t always positive.
As for Wiki, it’s a website that is suitable for collaborative authoring. Meaning, you can have as many people edit a page. Wiki isn’t a site that is crafted by people with phD’s or experts that are very knowledgeable. Everyone has the authority to edit the page or page. Wiki also has this unique software called wiki engine. In the wikipedia website, it stated the definition of wiki engine as “A wiki engine is a type of content management system, but it differs from most other such systems, including blog software, in that the content is created without any defined owner or leader, and wikis have little implicit structure, allowing structure to emerge according to the needs of the users.” 
Blogs and Wikis are similar because they are both simple and easy to use. Anyone is capable of making a blog or wiki. Everyone can express their own ideas to the public. Both site does not require you to be a rocket scientist. The editing process is pretty straight forward in both web browser. You’re also capable of linking your website to other websites. 
In this current generation, where and when technology is growing rapidly, social media is is taking over in communicate and how we connect to one another. Social media keeps everyone updated as if it’s a everyday journal to everyone’s lives. You can walk out of your house and see people on their mobile devices. You can walk around in Manhattan, New York and probably catch people using Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram. Social Media is everywhere. In this generation, it’s our new way of communication. In a way, it’s kind of sad because we’re so ingrained into our phones and sometimes we forget how to communicate in real life. Simple things like eye contact may be hard for some people nowadays. 
As for the question “How can blogs be used for collaboration?”, blogs can be used for collaboration. Let’s say you want to host this pop-up store that’s originally located in California but you want to host it in New York. You can create a blog and post it on the store’s website so consumers would know and be aware. You can post it on another social media such as Facebook if the store has one. This way, creating a blog about the pop-up event would attract consumers and inform them about it. The blog can have pictures on what items there would be, location, hours, directions, etc. 

Cites : 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

A Little About Myself

Hello !

My name's Yu Hong but ever since I was in kindergarten, I was known as Jamie. One of my aunts gave me the idea of having an American name and thus, I was always known as Jamie to my friends and even family.

I came to New York City at the early age of 3. I was born in Foshan, a city in China.

A quick fun fact about Foshan, Foshan is known as the home of the Cantonese forms of Chinese opera, kung fu, lion dancing, and dragon boat racing.

Here's a Quick Tour around Foshan !

This is China's Energy Efficient Gymnasium that was finished built recently.

" The structure consists of three arenas, main arena, sub-arena and citizen’s arena. All the three domes or arenas are functionally linked together. Water spaces have been provided outside the arenas which provide an option of natural ventilation except for a few humid months when artificial cooling is used. This magnificent eco-friendly architectural design is surely something the locals can boast of."

This is Foshan Zu Miao. I came here a couple of times when I was a baby and a teenager when I visited a few years ago. Zu Miao is one of Foshan's Ancestral Temple. It was built in the Song Dynasty and still exists even now as one of the finest attractions and cultural relics of Foshan.

Currently, I reside in Brooklyn, Bensonhurst, where it was populated with mostly Italians, Jewish, and Chinese people. But now our neighborhood's changing and it's more lively and diverse !

I recently decided my major even thought I'm a junior in Brooklyn College. I want to study marketing and psychology. After graduating in Brooklyn College with a BA, I am planning to go for a MBA. Along my journey to complete my courses with good grades, I will try to find internships to gain experience in the marketing field.

Thanks for reading !

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Online Newspaper

What is Online Newspaper ? Online newspaper is considered as new media. It's a mixture of multiple types of media all together and it can be easily accessed and searched. Within many social media and other platforms of new media, they are partially the reason why traditional newspapers are changing into digital form.

In my research, I will be discussing about online newspaper from multiple perspectives. I will discuss about how it plays in the economic perspective, sociological perspective, technological perspective, and the educational perspective.

Have you heard or tried Ice cream on a Fish Waffle before ?

What is Taiyaki Ice Cream ?

By looking at this picture above, you can already tell why people love Taiyaki Ice Cream. The interesting concept with the fish shaped waffle engulfing the delicious looking soft serve did its job well attracting customers. And of course, it's not only the appearance that appeals to consumers, the taste of their well known Japanese green tea and black sesame flavors are quite popular as well. You can find this place in NYC Chinatown.

The address and Yelp page will be linked on the side !

Click Here for their Yelp page !